The symphony has five movements, rather than the four typical of symphonies of the Classical era. Beethoven wrote a programmatic title at the beginning of each movement:

No.German titleEnglish translationTempo markingKey
I.Erwachen heiterer Empfindungen bei der Ankunft auf dem LandeAwakening of cheerful feelings on arrival in the countrysideAllegro ma non troppoF major
II.Szene am BachScene by the brookAndante molto mossoB major
III.Lustiges Zusammensein der LandleuteMerry gathering of country folkAllegroF major
IV.Gewitter, SturmThunder, StormAllegroF minor
V.Hirtengesang. Frohe und dankbare Gefühle nach dem SturmShepherd's song. Cheerful and thankful feelings after the stormAllegrettoF major

The third movement ends on an imperfect cadence that leads straight into the fourth. The fourth movement leads straight into the fifth without a pause. A performance of the work lasts about 40 minutes.

The symphony begins with a placid and cheerful movement depicting the composer's feelings as he arrives in the country. The movement, in 2
 meter, is in sonata form, and its motifs are extensively developed. At several points, Beethoven builds up orchestral texture by multiple repetitions of very short motifs. Yvonne Frindle commented that "the infinite repetition of pattern in nature [is] conveyed through rhythmic cells, its immensity through sustained pure harmonies."[6]

The second movement is another sonata-form movement, this time in 12
 and in the key of B major, the subdominant of the main key of the work. It begins with the strings playing a motif that clearly imitates flowing water. The cello section is divided, with just two players playing the flowing-water notes on mutedinstruments, and the remaining cellos playing mostly pizzicato notes together with the double basses.

Toward the end is a cadenza for woodwind instruments that imitates bird calls. Beethoven helpfully identified the bird species in the score: nightingale (flute), quail (oboe), and cuckoo (two clarinets).

{#(set-global-staff-size 14)
  \new StaffGroup <<
    \new Staff = "flute" \with {
      instrumentName = #"Fl."
    } {
        \new Voice = "up" \relative c'''{
          \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"flute"
          \stemUp \voiceOne
          \clef treble 
          \once \hide TimeSignature
          \key bes \major
          \time 12/8
          g8^(^"Nachtigall." f) r g^( f) r g^( f) g16^(^> f) g^(^> f) g^(^> f) g^(^> f) f1.~\startTrillSpan f4.~ f16^( \stopTrillSpan  e f8) r r2.
        \new Voice = "down" \relative c''{
          \stemDown \voiceTwo
          R1. R R
    \new Staff = "oboe" \with {
      instrumentName = #"Ob."
    } {
        \new Voice = "up" \relative c''' {
          \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"oboe"
          \stemUp \voiceOne
          \key bes \major
          r2. r4 r8 r8 r8^"Wachtel." d16. d32 d8 r r r4 d16. d32 d8 r r r4 d16. d32 d8 r d16. d32 d8 r r r2.
        \new Voice = "down" \relative c''{
            \stemDown \voiceTwo
            R1. R R
    \new Staff = "clarinet" \with {
      instrumentName = #"Cl."
    } {
       \new Voice = "up" \relative c''{
          \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"clarinet"
          \transposition bes
          \key c \major
          R1. e8^"Kukuk." c r r4 r8 e c r r4 r8 e c r e c r r2.
          \new Voice = "down" \relative c''{
          s1. e8 c s s4 s8 e c s s4 s8 e c s e c s s2.

Cadenza of bird calls in second movement; bird species are noted in German.

The third movement is a scherzo in 3
 time, which depicts country folk dancing and reveling. It is in F major, returning to the main key of the symphony. The movement is an altered version of the usual form for scherzi, in that the trio appears twice rather than just once, and the third appearance of the scherzo theme is truncated. Perhaps to accommodate this rather spacious arrangement, Beethoven did not mark the usual internal repeats of the scherzo and the trio. Theodor Adorno identifies this scherzo as the model for the scherzos by Anton Bruckner.[7]

The final return of the theme conveys a riotous atmosphere with a faster tempo. The movement ends abruptly, leading without a pause into the fourth movement.

The fourth movement, in F minor, depicts a violent thunderstorm with painstaking realism, building from just a few drops of rain to a great climax with thunder, lightning, high winds, and sheets of rain. The storm eventually passes, with an occasional peal of thunder still heard in the distance. There is a seamless transition into the final movement. This movement parallels Mozart's procedure in his String Quintet in G minor K. 516 of 1787, which likewise prefaces a serene final movement with a long, emotionally stormy introduction.[8]

The finale, which is in F major, is in 6
 time. The movement is in sonata rondo form, meaning that the main theme appears in the tonic key at the beginning of the development as well as the exposition and the recapitulation. Like many classical finales, this movement emphasizes a symmetrical eight-bar theme, in this case representing the shepherds' song of thanksgiving.

The coda starts quietly and gradually builds to an ecstatic culmination for the full orchestra (minus "storm instruments") with the first violins playing very rapid triplet tremolo on a high F. There follows a fervent passage suggestive of prayer, marked by Beethoven pianissimosotto voce; most conductors slow the tempo for this passage. After a brief period of afterglow, the work ends with two emphatic F-major chords.